Go'o Shrine Kyoto


Go'o Shrine in Kyoto on the western side of the Imperial Palace is dedicated to all things pig.

Go'o Shrine Kyoto

The shrine enshrines Wake no Kinomaru (733–799), an adviser to the Heian Period Emperor Kammu (737–806), and the courtier's sister Hiromushi.

Instead of the usual komainu (mythical lion-like beasts) standing guard outside the shrine, a pair of wild boar do the job instead.

Legend has it that after saving the Emperor's heirs from a plot led by the Buddhist priest Dokyo, Wake no Kinomaru was exiled on the orders of the Empress Koken, who had patronized the "meddling" priest, was possibly Dokyo's lover and may have been involved in the conspiracy to change the succession in favor of Dokyo.

Go'o Shrine Kyoto

Traveling in the wilds of present-day Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, the loyal adviser hurt his leg but was protected by a herd of wild boar, hence the iconography that dominates Go'o Shrine.

Wake no Kinomaru

Little was made of this story until after the Meiji Resoration in 1868 when loyalty to the Emperor became the dominant theme of official propaganda. Thus, Go'o Shrine was established as a symbol of the new state orthodoxy in 1886.

The shrine is also thought to help those with leg injuries and is also a venue for lavish marriage ceremonies - conveniently situated as it is to a number of hotels which host the subsequent wedding receptions.


Five minutes north from Marutamachi Subway Station
Tel: 075 441 5458

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