Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog

Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal DogHachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog

by Pamela S. Turner

ISBN: 0618140948364 pp

The story of Hachiko is a familiar one to those who live in Japan. The dog went to greet his master, Dr. Ueno, every day at Shibuya station when he got off the train. After the doctor's death in 1925, Hachiko continued to go to the station to wait - for ten years.

His loyalty was commemorated with a bronze statue which now serves as a popular meeting place. Japanese children read about the faithful canine in their textbooks, but Turner has given the story a twist to introduce English readers to Hachiko. She tells the tale, in simple yet elegant prose, from the point of view of a fictional boy named Kentaro.

Nascimbene's watercolor illustrations, evocative of traditional woodblock prints, give a good feel for the period.

Turner follows up with "The Story Behind the Story" so readers can get their facts straight.

This award-winning book should appeal to kids around seven and up.

Suzanne Kamata

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