Nagoya To Osaka By Train


There are two main options when traveling between Nagoya and Osaka by train.

Kintetsu Urban Liner Next

The quicker (and more expensive option) is to take a JR Shinkansen from Nagoya Station to Shin Osaka Station. The fastest Nozomi Shinkansen takes just 51 minutes, with a stop in Kyoto, and costs 6,380 yen for a non-reserved seat. To get into the center of Osaka, travelers must then ride the Midosuji Line of the Osaka Subway.

Kintetsu Urban Liner

The slower (and cheaper option) is to take the hourly (on the hour from Nagoya Station) Kintetsu Urban Liner from Nagoya Kintetsu Station to Namba. The journey time is 2 hours, 5 minutes. The price of a ticket is 4,150 yen. Your destination is right in the center of Osaka and the journey goes through some beautiful countryside in Mie Prefecture, so if you are not in a hurry, you may consider this route. The last train from Osaka to Nagoya departs at 9.30pm.

Kintetsu Urban Liner

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